We each carry God into the church with us. He is in us and around us, standing beside us, nudging us, leading us to do as He wills. He isn't thinking about what we're wearing, He's thinking about what we're doing. He isn't thinking about if we are wearing the latest creations, but if we're loving "the least of these". He isn't worried about whether our heads are covered with lace or flowers; He's working on what's inside our heads and hearts, planting seeds of expectation and opportunity for each of us to step up and follow Him, no matter how we're dressed.
No matter how we're dressed for church, we need to love one another. We need to see the opportunities to serve Him that Jesus puts before us and step out in faith that we are "dressed" appropriately for the job, whatever it might be.
So don't worry about what you're wearing. Come to church on Sunday morning and take the seat next to me. I want you to see Jesus in me.
"Let your light shine before men, so they may see your good works." Matthew 5:16